Secrets to Success
What no one wants to admit…
Dear Beautiful Souls,
Are you focused on creating abundance and being successful? What if I told you that this work, your inner work, is your fast-lane pass to the life you dream of.
Let me share with you a secret that no one wants to admit…
To have everything “figured out” is in direct opposition to the universal laws that construct and create the reality of our universe. Evolution is constant because change is constant.
Don’t let this discourage you. This is an amazing opportunity. It means that everyday we get to create from a clean slate if we are willing to let yesterday go. This takes practice.
If you think you have it “all figured out”, I’d be concerned for you because it would mean that your life is so outside of universal flow that you can’t feel the beat of your own heart, the aliveness of your breath and the presence of your soul. The illusion of “figuring it out” lends to stagnation and eventually dullness in life.
🦋 So what will bring your heart and soul alive? Continuing to live your life well.
💞How do you do this? Constantly coming back to the work of your life, asking better questions, feeling safer and more alive in your body, uncovering your deeper purpose and unveiling deeper meaning within your life.
If you think you’re happy or “all set” I promise you there’s more joy more abundance and way more peace waiting for you if you create more balance within each part of you.
You are not just a body living in a world, you are not just a soul with a purpose, you are not just a mind with ideas, or emotions with drive and resistances, but you are ALL OF THESE THINGS.
When all of you commits to staying present to your life, in a balanced and good way, you become more of the person you desire to be. More of life starts sharing its gifts with you and you become more love, more ease and even more attractive to yourself and guess what… this makes you more attractive to the universe itself.
There’s never a point when the work stops. Our work is circular. We may pause at different points for more time on our life path because certain aspects of our lives are requiring more of us , but we can never lose perspective on the rest of our life or the great work— because if we stop doing our work, the rug can be pulled out from underneath us leaving us feeling distracted. A death that crushes us, a breakup that leaves us in shambles or losing a job making us feel meaningless, will throw us way more off course if we ignore our work and well-being.
The great news is, being grounded in your inner work means that these life events don’t have to throw you off course, they can serve as a beacon, a calling back home to self to get you in even greater alignment for your life ahead.
When we are constantly contributing to our growth, healing and alignment everyday in a good way, we are able to weather any storm from small to massive, and we are able to live life more fully. That is the point—To be here now. To feel here now. To play here now. To be free to experience life as it is in its totality…Now.
🌱Here’s to being all you can be.
Much love,
Kay @ Soul Fire Rising